Communicating with a person who has a hearing loss can be stressful for all parties. Even when hearing devices are used, proper communication strategies are essential for maximizing the experience. Try the following tips when communicating with a hearing-impaired individual.

- Maintain eye contact with the individual with hearing loss, facing them directly. Do not attempt to hold a conversation from another room; visual cues are an important component of successful communication.
- Make sure you have the person’s attention before beginning a conversation. It helps to state their name so they are aware you are addressing them, and can focus on your words.
- Speak slowly and concisely. Resist the temptation to shout, which can lead to distorted speech and make your words more difficult to understand. Pause between sentences to ensure what you are saying is understood.
- Do not cover your face with your hands or other objects. Individuals with hearing loss rely on visual cues to help follow the conversation, and sometimes find lip reading helpful. Avoid eating and drinking while conversing, as well.
- Try to find a quiet area free of background noise. This can be distracting and cause the individual with hearing loss to miss out on much of what you are saying.
- Repeat yourself if necessary. Try using a different word or rephrasing your sentence if it is too confusing. Refrain from complex words and phrases.
- Supplement your conversation by writing down important information. This might include jotting down the topic you will be discussing beforehand.
- Pay attention to the listener. If they look confused, offer to clarify what you have just said.
- Remember, communication is a two-way street. Give the other person a chance to speak, and do not interrupt.
Communication Training Program
As a patient of our clinic, your hearing is our primary concern. Effective communication skills are crucial to improving your quality of life. We are happy to offer an excellent program called 5 Keys to Communication Success. It is designed to help you overcome the frustrations associated with hearing loss, and has produced positive results for thousands of people.
5 Keys to Communication Success is an auditory rehabilitation program for people with hearing loss and their communication partners. It teaches comprehensive communication strategies using methods that are easy to understand and incorporate into your daily life.
You will learn the 5 Keys to Communication Success:
Weekly Lessons Delivered by Email
No usernames or passwords to remember. You will receive your lessons via email once per week for an entire year. The lessons are short, fun, and packed with important information. Each lesson contains links to additional training exercises and resources to help you get the most out of your hearing devices and overcome common challenges related to hearing loss.