When your audiologist recommends hearing aids, selection is only the beginning of the process. Equally important is the fitting, which involves programming your hearing aids and making adjustments to provide the correct levels of amplification for your particular hearing loss. Counseling is also a necessary step to ensure you have realistic expectations, and is crucial for long-term success.
Hearing Aid Fitting
Your audiologist at Midwest Hearing will check the physical fit of your hearing aids to make sure they are comfortable. They will then be programmed and adjusted based on your hearing loss and lifestyle needs.
Your audiologist will discuss care and maintenance of your hearing instruments. You will learn how to use them correctly and how to make adjustments for different hearing environments. If applicable your audiologist will help connect your cell phone to your hearing aids for audio streaming and use of a remote control app.
Hearing Aid Follow-up
A follow-up visit will be scheduled a few weeks after your initial fitting. During this appointment, your audiologist will fine-tune and adjust your hearing aids as needed and answer any questions you may have.
The hearing instrument fitting will also be verified utilizing real-ear measures to ensure that the amplification in the ear is optimal. It may take a while to adjust your hearing aids to their maximum effectiveness, so additional appointments for adjustments may be needed.
Future hearing aid clean and checks will be recommended on a schedule by your audiologist.
Call Midwest Hearing at (651) 702-0750 for more information or to schedule an appointment.